Whole Grain Pancakes: A Love Story with Recipes

We're going way back into the archives to bring you an article Ken wrote twenty years ago. We don't want to spoil the mayhem of this ill-fated celebration, so for now let's just say you should think twice before you decide to throw a pancake breakfast wedding.


Get the article and recipes

What can you say about a wedding where swarms of bees were the happiest guests there, and virtually everything else that could have gone wrong, did? Turns out, plenty. 


Simple Cooking for Hard Times resources

Recent newsletters and helpful links:
✅ Learn to make Veggie Poached Eggs
Curried Carrot Hummus (not yer mama's hummus)
Eat Healthy & Save $$ - Our downloadable guide 
✅ Sign up for the Simple Cooking for Hard Times newsletter
✅ Take one of Ken's really cool online pie making courses 
☎ Get in touch: [email protected] or [email protected] 

While We're on the Subject...

To help celebrate the 2020 maple syrup season and acknowledge the many hardworking farmers who harvest this uniquely American food crop, we're having a "free shipping" sale on Ken's Maple Syrup Cookbook this week. Heck - all of his books.

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: Read about the books here, BUT DON'T ORDER THROUGH THE ONLINE STORE. Simply send an email to [email protected] and tell her which books you want. We'll invoice you through PayPal or you can send us a check. Free shipping only applies to books shipped to one address. Just call it our quarantine cookbook sale. 


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