How This Blog Came to Be and Why I'm Happy to Be Here...or Anywhere

Hello and thanks for stopping by to check out The Good Cooks Academy blog. 

If we haven't met, I'm Ken Haedrich and I've been cooking and writing about food for virtually my entire adult life. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Going back to the late 1970's, the tally is something like 17 cookbooks, several hundred magazine articles, another hundred blog posts on my other website,, where - lest you have any doubt - I post pie recipes (sweet and savory), pie advice, and pie making videos. 

The Pie Academy continues to grow and prosper; I hope you'll join us. But over the past several years I've had an itch to develop a second creative outlet devoted to the way I cook and eat when I'm not eating pie, which, let's face it, a fellow can only do so much of.

This blog - The Good Cooks Academy - is that outlet. I'll use it to chronicle my day-to-day cooking, which can best be described as delectable, wholesome, and mostly plant-based.

My hope is that you'll find...

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